Both the residential care worker and Foster carers, need to understand a wide range of more specialist areas in order to be able to promote good practice. Ofsted want to see evidence of forward planning and quality training in these areas. Training courses are divided into Induction, Specialist and Management. Face to face training courses are held at your venue and are available throughout the UK. To enquire, contact CAN Qualifications
A course that gives learners a clear, concise and current understanding of the often-complex childcare legal framework.
The course gives learners an introduction to the vital knowledge around children’s development and impaired development.
The course teaches vital basic skills around communication, both when it comes to written records and spoken and non-verbal interaction.
A look at the fundamental issues of discrimination and anti-oppressive practice when working with disadvantaged young people and their families.
A concise course to give learners a thorough grounding in all aspects of food safety.
A concise course to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to work safely around medication.
The course outlines current legal and practice requirements around all aspects of health and safety in the workplace.
This short course will allow learners to develop and practice this very important communication skill.
An opportunity for learners to understand how to undertake a child-focused risk assessment and take the required action.
The course introduces learners to child abuse and gives an understanding of the subject and a clear guide about how to respond.
This course is designed as an induction day to explore and develop the task of the residential worker specifically in relation to professional behaviour, appropriate boundaries in the realtionship with the children and young people and also the accointabilities places on the staff member.
These courses cover more specialised areas and also provide a more in-depth set of knowledge and skills for the worker.
The course gives learners an understanding of teenage development and behaviour and builds skills to work with teenagers.
Young people with mental health issues often get little support. This course addresses this topic from a practical and theoretical point of view.
Care planning is vital to good care and good outcomes. This course teaches a simple yet highly effective model.
Suitable for any worker who may be required to attend the police station to act as an Appropriate Adult
An in-depth look at the vital subject of attachment and also a look at understanding the theory around loss and separation.
Many children have some form of autism and this course is an introduction to the subject.
The course gives learners clear guidance around recognising, preventing and working with this most damaging of situations.
The course helps learners to understand the importance of empowering service users to challenge our practice.
This course has been designed in partnership with the police to better support foster carers / social workers / residential staff in developing their understanding of the current ‘gang’ problem that children and young people are being exposed to nationally.
This course helps frontline staff working with children and young people to understand the complexities involved with child sexual exploitation, trafficking and modern slavery and to be confidently aware of how to recognise it. We look at who is most at risk, why young people respond in the way that they do and how children and young people are vulnerable to these forms of abuse. The course also provides essential information on what constitutes best practice when it comes to responding to concerns and making referrals to social services and the Police.
Extremism and radicalisation are not new topics. The ideas have been around throughout history. However, at the moment, they are in the news and young people throughout the country are being targeted and are becoming involved in illegal activities.
The course equips workers to help young people make sense of their lives and identity by doing formal life story work.
When a child or young person goes missing from care, it can be a distressing and upsetting time for everybody involved including family, friends and support teams.
This training course considers what is meant by the term ‘missing from care’, considers the different ‘opportunities’ where young people may be more likely to go missing, the reasons why and states the procedure which all organisations need to follow for dealing with this situation.
The course gives learners an insight into the complex and vital skills needed to help a young person prepare for adulthood.
Safety online is a relatively new worry for adults who care for children. This course aims to give good, clear information about what the online world is, how it functions and where it might be going. The course aims to help carers understand the risks and provides advice and guidance about how to reduce these risks and dangers.
Many young people self-harm. Workers need to understand this phenomenon and be able to work with young people to lessen the risks.
The course helps learners understand more about adolescents who practise sexually harmful behaviour and provides advice and guidance about the issue.
This course is designed to provide participants with an opportunity to learn about the latest research and theories regarding drugs and alcohol and their prevalence in residential childcare settings.
Safeguarding children and young people is a complex task and involves many facets. Whistleblowing and the handling of allegations are two very important areas that your organisation needs to be very clear about.
The understanding of how to work effectively with children and young people who have challenging behaviour is vital if we are to succeed at ‘Safeguarding Children and Protecting Workers’. This course looks at how to manage behaviour and introduces both established and new workers to the basic concepts of safeguarding children and the young people we work with whilst protecting practitioners from the risk of injury and potential allegations.
Sexual abuse of children is a major topic as it affects so many looked-after children. The emotional damage and the distorted sexualisation can cause children and young people many difficulties that frequently stay with them throughout their lives. Sexual issues run deep in our psyche and issues of trust and self-esteem are directly affected in powerful ways.
This course is designed to develop the learner's knowledge of the impact of trauma and how it affects the lives of children and young people.
To provide parents and carers with the knowledge and awareness around Transgender and how that relates to any role you may have in supporting young people
These courses are for management within residential childcare settings.
Managers have the vital task of ensuring practice is not discriminatory and that the course challenges learners to take a fresh look at the subject.
Effective Supervision Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special or a unique service that you offer.
Effective Supervision Course Details List Item 2A course that gives managers and senior workers an introduction into the important role of leadership.
The course provides managers and senior workers with a theoretical look at some basic and vital management skills.
A course designed for managers and senior workers to look at child protection from a management point of view.
This course is designed as an opppurtunity to explore and develop the task of the managemebt tier in the organisation, in realtion to recruitment of staff in social care settings.
If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us as we can usually build a course to your specific requirements.
Company number 12093623. Registered office address The Tannery, Kirkstall Road, Leeds, England, LS3 1HS